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CREW | 1 |
ENGINE | 1 x 160hp Mercedes D.III |
Take-off weight | 940 kg | 2072 lb |
Empty weight | 685 kg | 1510 lb |
Wingspan | 8.50 m | 28 ft 11 in |
Length | 6.10 m | 20 ft 0 in |
Height | 2.65 m | 9 ft 8 in |
Wing area | 16.14 m2 | 173.73 sq ft |
Max. speed | 205 km/h | 127 mph |
Cruise speed | 186 km/h | 116 mph |
Ceiling | 5000 m | 16400 ft |
Rate of climb | 188 m/min | 600 ft/min |
ARMAMENT | 2 x 7.92mm |
Richard Schulte, e-mail, 04.07.2016 12:00 Where could a Old Guy find a Model to build. reply | Alvaro Lopes, e-mail, 05.11.2010 04:30 Just to translate this data:
laf, 01.04.2008
By AEG DI (General Electric), three prototypes were built. The project was stopped after an accident.
Crew: Pilot Length: 6.10 m (20 ft) Wingspan: 8.50 m Height: 2.65 m Empty weight: 685 kg Loading: 940 kg Engine: 1 × Mercedes D. III 6-cylinder, liquid-cooled, inline engine, 118 kW Maximum speed: 205 km / h Range: 465 km Ceiling: 5,000 m (16.400 ft) Climb: 188 m / min / Armament: Two fixed 7.92mm LMG 08 /15 reply | Olaf, 01.04.2008 21:38 Von der AEG D.I (Allgemeine Elektrizitätswerke) wurden drei Prototypen gebaut. Das Projekt wurde nach Unfällen eingestellt.
Besatzung: Pilot Laenge: 6.10 m (20 ft) Spannweite: 8.50 m Hoehe: 2.65 m Lehrgewicht: 685 kg Beladen: 940 kg Maschine: 1× Mercedes D.III 6-cylinder, liquid-cooled, inline engine, 118 kW Hoechstgeschwindigkeit: 205 km /h Reichweite: 465 km Gipfelhöhe: 5,000 m (16,400 ft) Steigleistung: 188 m /min Bewaffnung: Zwei starre 7.92mm LMG 08 /15 reply |
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