Halberstadt CL.II


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  GROUND ATTACK AIRCRAFTVirtual Aircraft Museum / Germany / Halberstadt  

Halberstadt CL.II

There is no text information for this aircraft at the moment.

Halberstadt CL.IIA three-view drawing (1650 x 1210)

 ENGINE1 x 119kW Mercedes D.III water-cooled inline engine
  Take-off weight1133 kg2498 lb
  Wingspan10.77 m35 ft 4 in
  Length7.30 m24 ft 11 in
  Height2.75 m9 ft 0 in
  Max. speed165 km/h103 mph
  Ceiling5100 m16750 ft
 ARMAMENT3 x 7.92mm machine-guns, 5 x 10kg bombs

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