| The Yak-141, being the world's first supersonic STOVL (short take-off/vertical landing) aircraft, has three engines: one lift-cruise R-79 with a thrust of 15500kg and two small-sized RD-41 of 4100kg each. The powerplant allows the plane to lift off vertically with a weight of up to 15800kg. Alternatively, the Yak-141 can perform short take-offs (60-120m) with a weight of up to 19500kg. In the latter case the combat radius increases by 1.5-2 times and patrol time in the combat zone by two times. The pilot can use afterburner even when the nozzles are deflected. The Yak-141's integral flight-control system sets power and deflection of the nozzles so as to optimise making vertical/short take-offs and landings.
The Yak-141M was meant primarily for ground-basing. Introduction of new flight regimes, as well as new take-off/landing techniques, has entailed changes in the airframe, leading to a new design, the Yak-141M. The Yak-141 had its maiden flight some 25 years ahead of the timeframe set by foreign manufacturers for creation of such a plane. After the show in Farnborough, Yakovlev design bureau worked together with Lockheed on Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) programme. As a result, Lockheed's final JSF proposal resembles... the Yak-141M.
 | A three-view drawing (1658 x 1230) |
CREW | 1 |
ENGINE | 1 x R-79V-300, 152.0 kN , 2 x RD-41, 41.8 kN |
Take-off weight | 19500 kg | 42990 lb |
Empty weight | 11650 kg | 25684 lb |
Wingspan | 10.1 m | 33 ft 2 in |
Length | 18.3 m | 60 ft 0 in |
Height | 5.0 m | 16 ft 5 in |
Wing area | 31.7 m2 | 341.22 sq ft |
Max. speed | 1850 km/h | 1150 mph |
Ceiling | 15500 m | 50850 ft |
Range w/max.fuel | 2100 km | 1305 miles |
Range w/max payload | 1400 km | 870 miles |
ARMAMENT | 1 x 30mm cannon, 1000kg (VTOL) or 2650kg (STOL) of weapons on six hardpoints |
IVAN ZIVKOVIC, e-mail, 15.03.2020 03:57 The story about the f35 is true yakovlev helped lockheed martin create the shape and engine bay of the f35 it is in the programs report. reply | james, e-mail, 13.07.2015 17:33 Correction. Convair 200 was initiated 10 years before the Yak-41 was conceived not the Yak-38 reply | James, e-mail, 13.07.2015 16:38 While everyone here loves to make assumptions that the F35b is some copy of the Yak-41m because some kind of sort of LockMart collaboration, I guess quite a lot of you don't know their aviation history and haven't heard of the US Naval Convair 200 program which was initiated 10 years before the Yak-38 was conceived. Pratt & Whitney, Ge and Rolls Royce were all working on the 3BSM nozzle and funny how the much later Yak swivel down nozzle matches the design patents from the Convair program. But its a confirmed fact that the F35B 3BSM nozzle is from the Pratt & Whitney and Rolls Royce patent from the Convair program. reply | TORBJÖRN KAMPE, e-mail, 11.05.2015 22:46 This is the true F-35B. All Russia. The similarity between the YAK-141 and F-35B. So one becomes afraid how similar they are. reply |
| jimvivas, e-mail, 08.11.2014 17:58 exelente aircraft reply | i love uut selly, e-mail, 04.04.2014 03:06 the hot gas ingestion is the main drawback of its design....moreover just like what we've seen on x32b...very dangerous---when the old friend come i.e fire breathing dragon came frome the exhaust nozzle...despite the f35 b lift fan is the only feasible yet add more thrust than never before soo oraa for the marines... reply | Dalhats Laudzafata Avicena, e-mail, 19.12.2013 17:39 Like F-35 without stealth. reply | no comunist just phunist the c, e-mail, 05.08.2013 12:28 would never work with their kinky swiveling nozzle and lack of hot gas ingetion solving problems. reply | wozniaki, e-mail, 19.01.2012 05:01 due to hot gas ingestion those design of vtol still weaknesses of an yak 141 vstol-so f35 with new 3bsm design and liftfan is the best and advanced leading for vstol jet reply | dawang, 21.06.2011 05:22 the enormous push, 14.000Kg, unbalanced the pitch attitude? I believe that the temperature would be very high to the point to damage reply | Luis, e-mail, 22.01.2011 05:57 Can Russia still develop this further if they liked too? Or does it have restrictions by lockheed? reply | jerry chin, e-mail, 07.12.2010 21:23 if this is a good jet fighter why did they don't make it no more reply | Aircraft desiner..., e-mail, 10.11.2010 00:49 The yak-41 is a superb pioneering project way ahead of its time. There is no dout that the jsf is a copy to the yak-41, still this doesn't mean that the jsf is not a good plane after all (no manouvrability but it is much stealthier that the yak). About the ones who wonder why russia gave the yak to usa, well the answer lies in the same reason why they gave up the revolution, divade and conquer my friends, russia, china, europe, usa they are one thing and they only care about one thing: to control our lives... reply | Biju, 27.09.2010 17:38 Russian or American JSK is really nice.YAK is really GRATE reply |
| Mike Howard, e-mail, 04.04.2010 06:58 Nice job but you guys can improve more on this reply | Denys, e-mail, 04.03.2010 21:59 JSF is copy of original Yak-141 plans:
Yak 141 has a huge main vectored thrust turbofan engine assisted with 2 little lift turbofan only in Vertical take off or landing. That system finally has copied to F35 JSF when Yakoklev made some collaboration with Lockheed Martin. The partnership began in late 1991, though it was not publicly revealed by Yakovlev until 6 September 1992, and was not revealed by Lockheed-Martin until June 1994. Its swivelling main engine nozzle and automatic vertical Takeoff /landing assisted computer system have believed inspirating any F35 JSF aircraft programs. reply | Adam, e-mail, 28.01.2010 02:01 How can you compare the Yak141 to JSF Yak had three engines to achieve its vertical lift what a bad design and waste of fuel.I actually think that the Russians discontinued the plane because after few tests they realized it was a disaster waiting to happen. About JSF it only has one engine,no waste of fuel , very well balanced power plant and just a graet plane overall. reply | Adam, e-mail, 28.01.2010 02:00 How can you compare the Yak141 to JSF Yak had three engines to achieve its vertical lift what a bad design and waste of fuel.I actually think that the Russians discontinued the plane because after few tests they realized it was a disaster waiting to happen. About JSF it only has one engine,no waste of fuel , very well balanced power plant and just a graet plane overall. reply | F35 is shite, e-mail, 05.09.2009 05:53 f35 has been stated by australian airforce as "double inferior" compare to chinese su27s and migs in training. f35 was reported to be slow, low manouverbility and a bad jet overall. f35 is direct copy of yak141's internals, with difference of sloped airframe and failing stealth (does not operate in rain). russians have developed same tech as f35 30 years ago. usa is 30 years behind.
as a reply to barry, yak has vtol yak36 since beginning of 1960s, when harrier and other british first flew 5 years later. reply | Barry, 15.06.2009 15:48 Your comment "some 25 years ahead of the time frame set by other manufacturers" is a little disengenuous as Hawker Siddeley had designed the supersonic P1154 STOVL fighter in 1964. This plane was cncelled in a typical peace of political butchery in 1965 by the Wilson Labour goverment. Furthermore thrust vectoring was developed in Britain by Bristol Siddeley (later Rolls Royce)with the Pegasus engine which the Russians later copied, now there's a surprise!One does not doubt that there may have been some collaboration between Lockeed and Yackovlev on the F35 but it is without doubt far less than the collaboration with BAes /Rolls Royce on this project. reply |
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