Northrop F-20 Tigershark


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Northrop F-20 Tigershark

Initially known as the F-5G and officially redesignated F-20 in November 1982, the Tigershark single-seat tactical fighter was evolved as a company-funded development of the basic F-5E, having an 80% increase in engine thrust and only 21% increase in empty weight. Powered by a single General Electric F404-GE-100 turbofan rated at 7711kg with afterburning, the F-20 had an armament of two 20mm cannon and could carry up to 3175kg of ordnance on five stations. Three prototypes of the F-20, each embodying progressive improvements, were flown, these entering flight test on 30 August 1982, 26 August 1983 and 12 May 1984. A fourth prototype in the proposed fully-operational configuration was under construction when, following the October 1986 decision that an upgraded F-16A was to succeed F-4 and F-106 as the USAF's air defence fighter, Northrop terminated further development of the F-20 and ceased marketing efforts.

Northrop F-20 TigersharkA three-view drawing (1278 x 872)

  Take-off weight12475 kg27503 lb
  Empty weight5089 kg11219 lb
  Wingspan8.13 m27 ft 8 in
  Length14.17 m47 ft 6 in
  Height4.22 m14 ft 10 in
  Wing area17.28 m2186.00 sq ft
  Max. speed2124 km/h1320 mph
  Range w/max.fuel2965 km1842 miles

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