Back TsAGI 2-EA

TsAGI 2-EA autogyro

Experimental winged autogiro, similar in layout to Cierva C-19 Mk.III. First Soviet autogiro testbed used for systematic study of all construction elements on the design stage, as well as flight performance. It was built in the beginning of 1931.

Chrome-molibdenium steel tubes were used for the kingpost and rotor blades spars. Fuselage frame and engine cradle - steel tube frame, wing - wooden. Cover of EA-2 was all-over fabric.

2-EA was a successful aircraft, and after fulfilling the trial program it was transferred to special propaganda aviagroup named after writer Maxim Gorkij.

Russian Aviation Museum

TsAGI 2-EA autogyro on skids

This autogyro was designed by V. A. Kuznetsov, heading a group of engineers. It had a four-bladed rotor and the engine drove a two-bladed airscrew. The fuselage consisted of welded steel tubes.

The overall external appearance was quite like that of the C.19.

P.Lambermont "Helicopters and Autogyros of the World", 1958

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