Back Watkinson CG-4

Watkinson CG-4 in British Helicopter Museum, 11.03.2001

The CG-4 was the third manpowered 'cyclogyroplane' built by Mr. Herbert Watkinson of Bexhill in his effort to win the $50,000 Kremer prize for man powered flight. By March 1977 the CG-4 was nearing completion, and permission to carry out flight trials at Lydd Airport in Kent had been granted. Then came a major set back in 1977, Mr. Watkinson was diagnosed as terminally ill and died at Bexhill in October 1977. After going into storage this unique machine, together with all the surviving documentation and photographs of the cyclogyroplane story, were donated to the Helicopter Museum for preservation as a tribute to one man's attempt to fly with the birds.

British Helicopter Museum

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