Paide castle ruins
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Paide castle ruins

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The castle was presumably built in 1265 or 1266 by the order master Konrad von Mandern. It was initially a castellum surrounding the central octahedral Tall Hermann tower, reconstructed as a convent at the beginning of the 14th century. The main tower with its 6 storeys (height 30 m) and in places up to 4 m thick walls is truly an imposing building. The circular wall was about 2 m thick.

In the course of the 14th and 15th centuries the castle walls were made higher and stronger, and several towers were added as well, including the Gunpowder Tower. The latter was erected to protect the Eastern or Water Gate and adapted to suit the needs of the era of firearms. In the mid-16th century the outer corners of the castle were fortified with bastions.

At the beginning of the Livonian War the Russians repeatedly besieged Paide, but only in 1573 they finally managed to invade Paide. After that it changed hands several times until the Swedes got it in 1608. In 1638 they removed Paide from the list of castles.

In 1895-1897 Tall Hermann and the western gate were restored. In 1941 the Soviets blew the tower up. It was again restored in 1990-1993, today housing a museum.


Linnuse rajamisajaks peetakse kas 1265. või 1266. aastat ning rajajaks ordumeister Konrad von Manderni. Algselt oli tegemist kaheksatahulist tsentraalset Pika Hermanni torni ümbritsenud kastelliga, mis 14. saj. algul rekonstrueeriti konvendihooneks.

Peatorn oma 6 korruse (kõrgus 30 m) ja kohati enam kui 4 m paksuste seintega on tõeliselt imposantne. Ringmüüri paksus ulatus kuni 2 meetrini.

14.-15. sajandil linnuse müüre kõrgendati ning tugevdati, samuti rajati juurde mitu torni, teiste hulgas Ida- ehk Veevärava kaitseks püstitatud ning juba tulirelvade ajastule kohandatud Püssirohu torn. 16. saj. keskel kindlustati linnuse välisnurgad bastionidega.

Liivi sõja algul piirasid venelased Paidet korduvalt ja alles 1573. a., kui linnuse senine komandant Jasper von Oldenbockum oli üle viidud Tallinna, õnnestus neil Paide vallutada. Seejärel käis Paide käest kätte, kuni jäi 1608. a. lõplikult rootslastele, kes selle ka 1638 kindluste nimekirjast kustutasid.

1895-1897 restaureeriti Pikk Hermann ja läänepoolne värav, aga 1941. a. lasksid Nõukogude väed torni õhku. Torn taastati 1990-1993 ja selles on muuseum.