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The castle is also called Maasilinn (town of Maasi). It stood by the Väike strait at the north-eastern coast of Saaremaa and had its own port. Order master Burchard von Dreileben is thought to be the founder of the castle who considered it as a replacement for the Pöide order castle destroyed during the St. George's Night Uprising.

The 1345 fortified manor house was extended by the next order master Goswin von Herike. The building had three storeys. The vaults of the survived first floor rest on heavy tetrahedral pillars. The rooms were heated with hypocaust systems in both parts of the building. The floors were connected by wall stairs. The main building was surrounded with a square circular wall lined with auxiliary buildings. In early 16th century at the latest the circular wall was fortified with two low semicircular cannon towers at its eastern and northern side, and bastions in the east and south.

Maasi castle was blown up in 1576 in the course of the Livonian War, and has been standing in ruins ever since. Attempts have been made today to patch up the place for the benefit of tourism.


Linnust nimetatakse ka Maasilinnaks. Ta paiknes Saaremaa kirderannikul Väikese väina ääres ning tal oli ka oma sadam. Linnuse rajajaks peetakse ordumeister Burchard von Dreilebenit, kes nägi selles asendust Jüriöö ülestõusu ajal hävitatud Pöide ordulinnusele.

1345. a. ehitatud majalinnust pikendas juurdeehitusega järgmine ordumeister Goswin von Herike. Linnus oli kolmekorruseline. Säilinud I korruse võlve kannavad tüsedad neljatahulised piilarid. Ruume köeti kummaski hooneosas asuvate hüpokaustahjudega. Korruseid ühendasid müüritrepid.

Peahoonet ümbritses nelinurkne ringmüür, mille ääres paiknesid abihooned. Hiljemalt 16. saj. algul rajati ringmüüri tugevdamiseks ida- ja põhjaküljele kaks basteitorni, itta ja lõunasse aga bastionid.

Linnus õhiti 1576. a. Liivi sõja ajal ja on sestpeale varemetes. Praegusel ajal on asutud varemeid korrastama turismiobjektiks.